Steps to recover the points driving license

They say that everyone deserves a second chance, even on the road. Therefore, the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) poses different solutions to recover the points driving license. The first thing to be clear is if we have lost only a few points of the card or in full. Depending on the case, the DGT has several solutions.

If  we ‘ve only lost some points, there are two things we can do:

•  Be two years without committing any offense on the road, or three years if it were a serious offense. In such case, we recover all the points last such period.

• To conduct an awareness course and road rehabilitation of twelve hours. But only you can take a course every two years and also we only will recover 6 points of the card.

If we  have lost all points of the card is a bit more complicated:

• We will have to spend six months without driving. After that period, we can realize a course of rehabilitation. If we pass the exam, we will recover only 6 points of the license, and not the 12 points of a regular driver.

Either way, it’s best to not have to ever use these courses. And that will mean that our driving behavior has been adequate ;).


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