How we should take action after a traffic accident

  • Primeros auxilios

We do not like them, but car accidents unfortunately occur and we should be prepared to help those who need us when we are involved in it. According to Dirección General de Tráfico -the Transportation Department in Spain-, there are three main key performs: protection, report and aid.

Protection: In case of a roadside accident, try to park the best way possible and do not forget to put on your reflective safety vest before getting out of your car. You had better not stay on the road or get close to a car whether it is on fire. Do not do it even if there are some hazardous goods in it. It is highly recommended to signpost the area you are in as soon as possible by placing your warning triangles and turning on your side or emergency lights.

Report: After the above mention, the next step is to report the accident to the emergency assistance services -122 in Spain-. You should provide them with the following information:

  • Location of the accident: You should give some details, such as the street, the number, the kilometre mark and the address in case it was a two-ways road. It is also very important to supply any other information that helps examine the event and the place properly.
  • Number of injured people: In case there was anyone injured, the information we should provide is the most useful one. For instance, if the victim could be conscious, blooding and so on.
  • Special circumstances: For example, if there was anyone trapped in the car, the vehicle was about to fall or even if anyone had fallen into the water.

Aid: Be extremely careful with assisting someone in order not to add or worsen any possible injuries.

  • As a general rule, neither move the injured people nor take them out of the vehicle.
  • In case the victim was a motorcyclist, do not take off his/her helmet.
  • Do not give any food, drink or medicine to the injured person.
  • Do not move them on your own.
  • Do not leave the place until you are indicated when you have to do it.
  • Stay near the wounded, even by their side if possible and try to calm them.
  • In case you knew about first aid, put them into action provided that it is necessary.

Is it everything clear? Remember that a traffic accident is not about a game as there are many lives in danger. In any case, we hope you do not have to put these pieces of advice into practice. 😉

Enjoy your summer!


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